Forma este din plastic microforat si antiaderent, rezista la temperaturi inalte de pana pana la +180°C, temperatura ideala pentru coacerea cojilor de tarta.
Design-ul formei permite utilizarea lor ca si cutter, ceea ce faciliteaza taierea formei de tarta.
Dimensiuni forma: 265x105 H 20 mm
Code: 52.390.20.0065 Brand: Silikomart Professional
Tarte Ring Rectangular 265x105 h 20 mm by Silikomart Professional is the rectangle in thermoplastic composite crush-proof material suitable for baking and that it is developed to make a tart of 255x95 h 20 mm. The rectangle is non-stick and stainless, allows a homogeneous baking and it has a high thermal stability, realising a traditionally impeccable tart.