14-16 October 2019 | Pastry is Magic
[3 Days Hands-On MasterClass]
Bucharest, Romania

Read in English

Ce vom învăța?

Să lucrăm cu diferite tipuri de aluaturi, sponge cakes, pate sable.
Să pregătim diferite crème, mousse, cremeux, confit, ganache.
Să lucrăm cu ciocolată. Reguli de temperare.
Decoruri din ciocolată.
Reguli de alegere a matrițelor potrivite
Alegerea culorilor și armonizarea gusturilor
Arhitectura desertului: vom învăța cum să facem un tort ideal de la strat la strat cu toate detaliile pe care dorim
Tehnici de glazurare. Reguli și greșeli.
Tehnici de prezentare a desertului de bucătărie/cofetărie.

Creațiile Ninei:

MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania
MasterClass Nina Tarasova Romania

Despre Nina

Nina Tarasova MasterClass Romania
Pastry Art Chef
Professional education:
2012 – Ecole Nationale Superieure de la Patisserie (Confectionery school in Issenzho near Lyon, under the leadership of Alain Ducass and Eve Tyurye), Perfectin Campus course.

Annual professional development of confectionery skills:

2014 – Ecole Gastronomique Bellouet Conseil Paris, France
Desserts de restaurants
Cours d`entremets

2013 – Ecole Gastronomique Bellouet Conseil Paris, France
Cours de sucre Artistique
Cours d`entremets
Cours «Artistiques en Chocolat»

2013 – Ecole Ferrandi Paris, France
Advanced Pastry

2012 – Course «Chocolate Candy»
The National College of Marzahn- Hekkersdorf, Berlin, Germany

2011- School of Alain Ducasse Paris, France:
Cours «La essentiel de la patisserie»;
Cours «Macarons a la folie».

2011 – The School of Gaston Le Notre Paris, France:
Cours «Les desserts a l`assiette».
This article was written by Parul Khanna about Nina on https://appybistro.com/

Meet Nina Tarasova, incredibly gorgeous, extremely humble, iron willed Russian artist-patissier, who is an Ambassador of the Cacao Barry French chocolate Brand and also ambassador of „the Life Is a Game”- chefs’ uniform producer, she is a consultant in pastry skills and a columnist in numerous pastry journal, conducts master classes in Russia & various well-known European culinary schools.
Nina came to Paris for a Bon Jovi concert & ended up buying a pastry book by the name PH10 pâtisserie by Pierre Herme, which changed her life for ever. Without knowing French language, she started to google the recipes, which led her to follow her first teacher & put her on a never ending journey of becoming a master pastry chef. Her first and basic education was at ENSP (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Pâtisserie) château de Montbarnier, Yssingeaux. School under the direction of Alain Ducasse and Yves Thuriès. After that she has been going back to France every year to improve her skills and experience. She has also studied at Ecole Gastronomique Bellouet Conseil Paris; Ecole Ferrandi Paris; The National College of Marzahn- Hekkersdorf, Berlin; School of Alain Ducasse Paris; The School of Gaston Le Notre Paris, where every day she learnt something new in the amazing pastry world which ultimately helped her excel and reach far ahead of many others in this field currently.

She has been mentored under some of the most famous names like Franck Geuffroy (Head Pastry chef from school Alain Ducasse), Richard Hawke (Chef from school ENSP in Yssingeaux), Nicolas Pepan (her first chef from Pastry Shop „Nicolas Pepan” in Lyon, where she worked for the first time), The Bellouet Conseil team – Jean-Michel Perruchon, Johan Martan, David Bonet. She feels overwhelmingly grateful to each of these chefs, for supporting and believing in her always.

Nina is a truly gifted French pastry chef, which is her main stream, which she follows & where she is completely comfortable with, she loves to work & play with European style of pastry with fresh ingredients, all natural ingredients, good quality chocolate, best of fruits and berries. She is highly creative in combining pastry flavours, which is her strength too & she loves to work with sugar craft, it is simply amazing to watch her work. Inspite of being one of the best, she still keeps attending professional classes at top European schools to constantly enhance her skills.

What really impressed me about this super cool chef was that, she takes her inspiration from practically everything – her travel, nature, wonderful new meetings, flowers, sun, wind, stones! She says she can see new vision of dessert from everywhere and every thing around her irrespective of them being bold or even crazy, she imagines the combinations in her mind first, tries the blended tastes & then gives it a final form.

She is a firm believer of balancing both the perfect taste & perfect plating / dressing. She strongly feels that without good looking dessert, one will not to want to eat it. For the first of your feelings, your eyes must to be hungry. Second – without good flavors you can never enjoy your desert. For creating a perfect dessert, appearance, design, decor, smooth glaze, shiny chocolate has to be in coordination with flavor, sugar, combination with textures and lights. She is an absolute master of artistic patisserie.

Nina has worked around the world, not only in Russia, this wonder chef travels a lot, takes inspiration from other places & people she meets, conducts master classes all over Europe & in Russia. We are looking forward to Nina coming & conducting some master classes […].

Nina has earned a name for herself in the patisserie world with her strong passion, absolute dedication, hard work & incredible patisserie & artistic skills and she is a big inspiration to all the new pastry chefs who would dream of following her path & making it big in the pastry world.

Nivel Curs:

Acest curs este deschis pentru toate nivelurile:
recomandat participaților cu experiență profesională în cofetărie: cofetari, bucătari, pastry chef, pasionați de cofetărie,
cursanti si absolvenți ICEP HOTEL SCHOOL, dar si pasionatilor de cofetarie moderna.
Se va lucra în echipă, într-un ritm intensiv, cel puțin 8 ore/zi.


Nina Tarasova va prezenta in premiera noua ei colectie de deserturi.
Vom invata sa pregatim o varietate de retete complexe inspirate din cofetaria franceza, avand gusturi si texturi fabuloase si echilibrate:
- blaturi, sponge, dacquoise, pate sablee,
- mousse-uri, cremeux, compote, caramel, jeleuri, frangipane,
- tehnici de glazurare;
- produse vegan & gluten-free;
- decoratiuni fine de ciocolata.

1. Cake "Carrot Gluten free"
Composition : base with Crispy rice, dark chocolate and praline paste; Gluten-free carrot cake; Carrot marmalade; Cream of white chocolate and goat cheese; vanilla Mousse with white chocolate and whipped milk; Carrot chrispy; Macarons with carrot marmalade, orange, curry, cardamom and espelette pepper.
2. Individual Cake "Walnut & Banana"
Composition: chocolate pate sablee; sponge cake "madeleines with walnuts"; orange-caramel cremeux; banana compote; mousse "pralines" of walnuts; glacage "praline"
3. Individual Cake "Grechotto"
Composition: hazelnut sponge cake "Daquoise" with nuts praline; panna cotta with fried buckwheat; caramel with soy sauce: buckwheat popcorn with milk chocolate Alunga 41%; milk chocolate Alunga 41% mousse.
4. Individual Cake "Yoghurt & Chocolate"
Composition: chocolate-praline chrispy; two mousses - yoghurt and chocolate.
5. Cake "Sesame & Chocolate"
Composition: chocolate-sesame pate sablee; sesame sponge cake; crispy layer with black sesame seeds; baked caramel bananas with apples; chocolate mousse; cocoa glacage.
6. Individual Cake "Chocolate Mojito"
Composition: hazelnut cream frangipane with lemon candied fruits; mousse "chocolate and praline", jelly "mojito"; mousse "mojito"; glacage "mojito".
7. Chocolate Blueberry Cake
Composition: Walnut sponge cake "Financier"; chocolate crumble; Crunchy layer; Caramel cremeux with cinnamon; Blueberry jelly with marinated blueberries; chocolate-blueberry mousse.
8. Caramel Honey Cake
Composition: caramel honey sponge cake; sour cream cremeux; soft chocolate caramel; whipped ganache.

9. Mango-Coconut Gluten-free Teacake

Rezerva locul dorit:

14-16 Octombrie, 2019
[3 Zile Hands-On]

Taxa participare Early Booking: 595 € (Valabil pentru rezervari pana la data de 30 Iunie 2019)
Dupa data de 30 Iunie, costul cursului va fi de 665 €
Tipul cursului: Hands-On (Practic)
Locatie: Bucharest, Romania
Limba curs: Engleza + Traducere in Romana

Deschis pentru toate nivelurile!

MasterClass Nina Tarasova



– Participarea la MasterClass;
– Suport de curs și rețetele realizate la MasterClass;
– Materia primă premium pentru toate produsele realizate;
– Toate ustensilele necesare și echipament de lucru;
– Cafea, ceai, apă și masă de prânz;
– Diploma de Absolvire MasterClass;
- Degustarea produselor + Cake box cu produsele pregatite la curs.

Modalitatea de plata:
Taxa de participare se achita in in 2 rate: 60% in termen de 4 zile de la rezervarea online, iar diferenta cu 6 saptamani inainte de data cursului;

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– pentru plățile efectuate din România în RON – IBAN: RO20BTRLRONCRT0258391001;
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– pentru plățile efectuate din străinătate în EUR – IBAN: RO40BTRLEURCRT0258391002 - SWIFT: BTRLRO22.

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–Plata taxei de participare este valabilă pentru zilele rezervate și nu este returnabilă. Ne pare rău, dar după confirmarea rezervării, în caz de retragere, nu vom putea returna taxa de participare;
- Având în vedere nivelul acestui curs, aplicanții parcurg un proces de selecție. Este posibil să fiți sunați sau să vi se solicite informații suplimentare privind experiența profesională. Mulțumim pentru înțelegere!
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